
September 20, 2016

Bacterial Growth MCQ for Staff Nurses - Objective Questions

bacterial growth mcq

1. Multiple antibiotic resistance is mediated by
[A]. Episome
[B]. Plasmid
[C]. Colplasmid
[D]. Both b and c

2. “Antagonism “ is seen in
[A]. Lag phase
[B]. Plasmids
[C]. Log phase
[D]. None of these

3. the first phase of a growth curve is
[A]. Log phase
[B]. Lag phase
[C]. phase
[D]. Both a and b

4. In gram positive and gram negative bacteria the electron transport contains
[A]. Naphthquinone
[B]. Plastoquinone
[C]. Ubiquinone
[D]. Both a and b

5. Growth in a closed system, affected by nutrient limitation and waste product accumulation is called
[A]. Batch culturing
[B]. Ascus
[C]. Fruiting body
[D]. Sporangiosphore

6. Cells are active and synthesizing new protoplasm. This stage of growth is called
[A]. Lag phase
[B]. Stationary phase
[C]. Log phase
[D]. All of these

7. Which one of the following tissues can metabolize glucose, fatty acids and ketone bodies for ATP
[A]. Liver
[B]. Muscle
[C]. Brain
[D]. R.[B].C

8. Which one of the following mineral elements play an important role in biological nitrogen fixation
[A]. Copper
[B]. Magnesium
[C]. Zinc
[D]. Molybdenum

9. Rapid bacterial growth phase is known as
[A]. Log
[B]. Lag
[C]. Lack
[D]. None of these

10. Clostridium welchii spore formation can be induced only on specified media such as
[A]. Wilson­Blair medium
[B]. Macconkey medium
[C]. Ellner medium
[D]. Thayee­M

11. Mycotoxins are formed during the end of
[A]. Lag phase
[B]. Log phase
[C]. Death phase
[D]. Stationary phase

12. Bacteria which need oxygen for growth are called
[A]. Thermophilic bacteria
[B]. Microaerophilic bacteria
[C]. Facultative anaerobic bacteria
[D]. Mycobacteria

13. pH required for the growth of bacteria is
[A]. 6.8 – 7.2
[B]. 5.6 – 8.2
[C]. 3.0 – 6.0
[D]. 8.0 – 14.0

14. Drug resistance in bacteria is mainly determined by factor:
[A]. F
[B]. R
[C]. Col
[D]. Lysogenic factor

15. The ion that is required in trace amounts for the growth of bacteria is
[A]. Calcium
[B]. Magnesium
[C]. Cobalt
[D]. Sodium

16. The most important vitamin for the growth of bacteria is
[A]. B­complex
[B]. Vitamin A
[C]. Vitamin D
[D]. Vitamin C

17. The principle in microbiological assays is
[A]. At certain range the concentration of growth factor will bear a linear relationship to the amount of nutrients added
[B]. Concentration of growth factor have a linear relationship with the growth of the organism
[C]. Both a and b
[D]. None of the above

18. If the source of energy for bacteria is from chemical compounds they are said to be
[A]. Phototrophs
[B]. Autotrophs
[C]. Chemotrophs
[D]. Chemolithotroph

19. In the syntesis of cell components the major element required is
[A]. Nitrogen
[B]. Sulphur
[C]. Carbon
[D]. Oxygen

20. For the formation of cell components the elements required are
[A]. Nitrogen
[B]. Oxygen
[C]. Sulphur
[D]. All of these

21. For the synthesis of amino acids cysteine, cystine and methionine the element required is
[A]. Sulphur
[B]. Oxygen
[C]. Nitrogen
[D]. None of these

22. Sulphur can be utilized by bacteria in the form of
[A]. Organic compounds
[B]. Inorganic compounds
[C]. Elemental compounds
[D]. All of the above

23. Phosphorous is an essential component of
[A]. Nucleotides
[B]. Nucleic acids
[C]. Phospholipids and Heichoic acids
[D]. All the above

24. Trace elements are
[A]. Zn+2, Cu+2, Mn+2
[B]. MO6+, Ni2+, B3+ and CO2+
[C]. Both a and b
[D]. None of these

25. Most bacteria do not require the ion
[A]. Mg2+
[B]. Ca2+
[C]. Na+
[D]. Fe+2

26. Vitamin function as
[A]. Co­enzymes
[B]. Co­melecules
[C]. Building blocks of cell
[D]. None of these

27. The vitamin required for Lactobacillus species is
[A]. Riboflavin
[B]. Niacin
[C]. Pyridoxine
[D]. Folic acid

28. Vitamin K is necessary for the species
[A]. Lactobacillus spp.
[B]. Bacillus anthracis
[C]. Bacteroides melaninogenicus
[D]. All of these

29. The bacteria which are able to grow at 0°C but which grow at 20°C to 30°C, are known as
[A]. Psychrophiles
[B]. Facultative psychrophiles
[C]. Average psychrophiles
[D]. Mesophiles

30. Radical shifts can be prevented by adding
[A]. Acids
[B]. Alkali
[C]. Buffer
[D]. None of these

31. The orderly increase in the quantity of all the cellular components is known as
[A]. Reproduction
[B]. Growth
[C]. Binary fission
[D]. None of these

32. The most common mode of cell division in bacteria is
[A]. Binary fission
[B]. Transverse binary fission
[C]. Longitudinal binary fission
[D]. None of these

33. How much time a bacterium take for the complete duplication?
[A]. 30 min.
[B]. 10 min.
[C]. 20 min.
[D]. 25 min.

34. The generation time is
[A]. The time required for the cell to divide
[B]. The total division of the cell during its life time
[C]. The total no.of cells formed
[D]. None of these

35. In bacteria, the increase in population is in the manner
[A]. Geometric progression
[B]. Multiplication
[C]. Doubling
[D]. None of these

36. Physiologically the cells are active and are synthesizing new protoplasm in which stage of the growth in
[A]. Log phase
[B]. Lag phase
[C]. Stationary phase
[D]. None of these

37. The most active stage in the sigmoid curve of bacteria in which maximum growth is attained
[A]. Lag phase
[B]. Stationary phase
[C]. Decline phase
[D]. Log phase

38. Log­phase is also known as
[A]. Death phase
[B]. Exponential phase
[C]. Lag­phase
[D]. None

39. The no. of generations per hour in a bacteria is
[A]. Growth rate
[B]. Generation time
[C]. Sigmoid curve
[D]. None of these

40. In the sigmoid curve (or) growth curve of bacteria how many stages are there
[A]. 3
[B]. 4
[C]. 2
[D]. 5

41. The reproduction rate is equal to death rate in which stage
[A]. Decline phase
[B]. Stationary phase
[C]. Lag phase
[D]. Log phase

42. Minimum growth temperature is
[A]. The growth of organisms at lowest temperature
[B]. The lowest temperature at which the microorganisms grow
[C]. The maximum temperature at which the growth is stable
[D]. None of these

43. Optimum growth temperature is greater that 45oC is
[A]. Mesophiles
[B]. Thermophiles
[C]. Psychrophiles
[D]. None of these

44. The organisms which can grow both in presence and absence of oxygen
[A]. Aerobes
[B]. Anaerobes
[C]. Faculative anaerobes
[D]. Strict aerobes

45. The organisms which can grow best in the presence of a low concentration of oxygen
[A]. Aerophilic
[B]. Microaerophilic
[C]. Aerobic
[D]. Anaerobic

46. The compound that is added to the medium to absorb oxygen for the creation of anaerobic conditions
[A]. Sodium Thioglycollate
[B]. Nitrous acid
[C]. Citrate
[D]. None of these

47. The utilization of light energy to drive the synthesis of ATP is called as
[A]. Photolysis
[B]. Photophosphorylation
[C]. Photosynthesis
[D]. Respiration

48. During cyclic phosphorylation NADP is formed or not.
[A]. No NADP formation
[B]. No NADP utilization
[C]. NADP is converted into NADPH
[D]. All are correct

49. Cyclic phosphorylation is generally present in
[A]. Cyanobateria
[B]. Algae
[C]. Bacteria
[D]. Plants

50. Non-cyclic photphosphorylation is also known as
[A]. Oxygenic Photosynthesis
[B]. Photosynthesis
[C]. Anoxygenix Photosynthesis
[D]. Photophosphorylation

51. The number of ATP molecules formed during cyclic phosphorylation are
[A]. One
[B]. Two
[C]. Four
[D]. Six

52. Artificial transformation in laboratory is carried out by treating the cells with
[A]. MgCl2
[B]. Cacl2
[C]. NaCl
[D]. HCl

53. The process of formation of mesozygote is called
[A]. Meromixis
[B]. Exozygote
[C]. Mitosis
[D]. Meiosis

54. Which of the following organisms requires tryptophan for growth?
[A]. H.influenza
[B]. Vibrio
[C]. Gonococci
[D]. S.typhi

55. Tubercular bacilli grow best in
[A]. Absence of O2
[B]. Presence of CO2
[C]. Presence of O2
[D]. None of these

56. Mycotoxins are formed during the end of
[A]. Lag phase
[B]. Log phase
[C]. Death phase
[D]. Stationary phase

60. The suitable temperature to transport viral culture is –
[A]. 30oC
[B]. 5oC
[C]. 25oC
[D]. 45oC

61. Growth curve does not include following phases of bacteria –
[A]. Decline phase
[B]. Stationary phase
[C]. Lag phase
[D]. Synchronous growth

62. Bacteria are more sensitive to antibiotics at which phase of growth curve?
[A]. Decline phase
[B]. Stationary phase
[C]. Lag phase
[D]. Log phase

Bacterial Growth MCQ for Staff Nurses - Objective Questions Reviewed by ADMIN on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 Rating: 5 1. Multiple antibiotic resistance is mediated by [A]. Episome [B]. Plasmid [C]. Colplasmid [D]. Both b and c 2. “Antagonism “ ...

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