
September 24, 2016

MCQ's on Industrial Micro Biology for Staff Nurse and Medical Exams

1. The best medium for the production of Penicillin is
a. Nutrient agar
b. Corn steep liquor
c. Sulfite waste liquor
d. Whey

2. Industrially important Antibiotic producing organisms shall be isolated by
a. Disk plate method
b. Direct plate method
c. Serial dilution method
d. Crowded plate method

3. Industrial alchohol will be produced by using starter culture
a. Top yeast
b. Middle yeast
c. Bottom yeast
d. Feeder yeast

4. Pyruvate decarboxylase acetaldehyde + CO2 = This reaction is specially observed in
a. Lactic acid fermentors
b. Ethanol fermentors
c. Algae
d. Plants

5. The pyruvate, dehydrogenase ? multienzyme complex does not occur in
a. Aerobic bacteria
b. Microphilic bacteria
c. Facultative anaerobic bacteria
d. Strictly anaerobic bacteria

6. A major ingradient of penicillin production media is
a. Corn meal
b. Corn steep liquor
c. Cane steep liquor
d. None of these

7. the outstanding example of traditional microbial fermentation product is
a. Vinegar
b. Penicillin
c. Citric acid
d. Tetracyclin

8. Which of the following involves the formation of nitrate from ammonia
a. Ammonification
b. Denitrification
c. Nitrification
d. Nitrogen fixation

9. First genetically engineered and biotechnologically produced vaccine was against
b. Small pox
c. Herpes simplex
d. Hepatitis B.

10. one of the standard cloning vector widely used in gene cloning is
a. Ti pasmid
b. EMBL 3
c. pBR 322
d. EMBL 4

11. In alchoholic fermentation, CO2 is evolved during
a. Decarboxylatin of pyruvic acid
b. Formation of acetaldehyde
c. Oxidation of acetaldehyde
d. Both a and b

12. In the industrial production of streptomycin, the secondary metabolite or by products is
a. Vitamin – B12
b. Vitamin – C
c. Vitamin – B6
d. Ethanol

13. Tobacco and tea leaves are fermented to give flavour and taste. This type of fermentation is known as
a. Alcohol fermentation
b. Curing
c. Degradation
d. Lactic acid fermentation

14. Vinegar fermentation involves
a. Yeasts only
b. Yeasts with lactic bacteria
c. Yeasts with acetic acid bacteria
d. Yeasts with butric acid bacteria

15. Carcinoma refers to
a. Malignant tumours of the connective tissue
b. Malignant tumors of the skin or mucous membrane
c. Malignant tumours of the colon
d. Malignant tumors of the connective tissue

16. By-product of acetone-butanol fermentation include
a. Riboflavin
b. Penicillin
c. Isopropanol
d. All of these

17. Transgenic animals are for improvement of the quality of
a. Milk
b. Meat
c. Eggs
d. All of the above

18. Thermo resistant bacteria are important in the preservation of foods by
a. Freezing
b. Canning
c. Chemicals
d. Irradiation

19. The fungus used in the industrial production of citric acid:
a. Rhizopus Oryzac
b. Fusarium moniliformae
c. Rhizopus nigricans
d. Aspergillus nigricans

20. Penicilin is commercially produced by
a. P.notatum
b. P.chrysogenum
c. P.citrinum
d. P.roquefortii

21. The most commonly used microorganism in alchohol fermentation is
a. A spergilus niger
b. Bacillus subtilis
c. Sacharomyces cerevisiae
d. Escherichia coli

22. Vitamin B12 can be estimated and determined by using organism
a. Lactobacillus sps
b. Lactobacillus Leichmanni
c. Bacillus subtilis
d. E.Coli

23. Batch fermentation is also called
a. Closed system
b. Open system
c. Fed-Batch system
d. Sub-merger system

24. To differentiate lactose and non-lactose fermentors the medium used is
a. Mac Conkey’s medium
b. Stuart’s medium
c. Sugar medium
d. Citrate medium

25. The micro-organism useful for fermentation are
a. Bacteria
b. Yeast
c. Fungi
d. None of these

26. Industrial microbiology, mainly depends on the phenomenon
a. Pasteurisation
b. Fermentation
c. Vaccination
d. Both b and c

27. Streptokinase is also termed as
a. Fibrionolysin
b. Catalase
c. Coagulase
d. Hyaluronidase

28. Streptokinase is produced by
a. Staphylococcus aureus
b. Streptococcus pneumoniae
c. Str. faecalis
d. Str. pyogenes

29. Large vessel containing all the parts and condition necessary for the growth of desired microorganisms is called
a. Bio reactor
b. Auto reactor
c. Impeller
d. None of these

30. Basic principle in industrial microbiology is
a. Suitable growth conditions
b. Fermentation
c. Providing aseptic conditions
d. All of these

31. For thorough mixing of medium of medium and inoculum the part of fermentor useful is
a. Shaft
b. Headspace
c. Impeller
d. Sparger

32. Infermentor the top portion left without broth is called
a. Shaft
b. Head space
c. Impeller
d. Sparger

33. Over heating of fermentator during fermentation is controlled by
a. Cooling jacket
b. Steam
c. Cool air
d. None of these

34. Antifoam agent is
a. Silicon compounds
b. Corn oil
c. Soyabean oil
d. All of these

35. The capacity of laboratory fermentors is
a. 12–15 liters
b. 2000 gallons
c. 500 liters
d. 10000 gallons

36. For the production of ethanol the raw material used is
a. Molasses
b. Cellulose
c. Sulphite waste liquor
d. None of these

37. Different methods of strain improvement are
a. Protoplast fusion
b. Recombinant DNA technique
c. Genetic recombination
d. All of these

38. Protoplasts can be prepared from
a. Gram positive bacteria
b. Gram negative bacteria
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

39. Upto the production of desirable production in the fermentor is called
a. Upstream process
b. Downstream process
c. Surface fermentation
d. None of these

40. The purification and recovery of the production after fermentation is called
a. Upstream process
b. Downstream process
c. Surface fermentation
d. None of these

41. If the microorganisms are allowed to nutrient medium is called
a. Submerged fermentation
b. Surface fermentation
c. Dual fermentation
d. All of these

42. Submerged fermentations are
a. Batch fermentation
b. Continuous fermentation
c. Both a and b
d. None of these

43. Batch fermentation is also called
a. Closed system
b. Open system
c. Fed-batch system
d. None of these

44. If more than one microorganism is used to obtain the required product, that type of fermentation is called
a. Batch
b. Continuous
c. Dual
d. Fed-batch

45. L. lysine is produced from
a. Coryne bacterium glutamicum
b. Corynebacterium sps.
c. Mycobacterium sps.
d. None of these

46. Methods used to get immobilized enzymes:
a. Adsorption
b. Encapsulation
c. Covalent bonding
d. All of these

47. Raw-material used for the production of alcohol is
a. Molasses
b. Starch
c. Sulphite waste water
d. All of these

48. Microorganisms used for alcohol production
a. Saccharomyces sereviceae
b. Bacillus subtilis
c. Penicillium chrysogenum
d. None of these

49. For streptomycin production the microorganisms required are
a. Streptomyces griseus
b. Streptomyces niger
c. Saccharomyces cereviceae
d. All of these

50. The by-product during streptomycin production is
a. Vitamin A
b. Proline
c. Vitamin B12
d. None of these

51. For acetic acid production the methods followed are
a. Orleans process
b. Rapid process
c. Submerged process
d. All of these

52. For amylase production the micro organism required is
a. B. subtilis
b. S. cereviceae
c. A. nigar
d. None of these

53. Pectinase is industrially produced from
a. S.cereviceae
b. Trichoderma Koningi
c. A. nigar
d. None of these

54. Cellulose are produced from
a. S.cereviceae
b. Trichoderma Koningi
c. A. nigar
d. None of these

55. Industrial Production of Vitamin-B12 is from
a. Propionibacterium sps.
b. Pseudomonas sps.
c. Both a and b
d. None of these

56. Clostridium acetobutylicum is used for the production of
a. Acetone - Butanol
b. Ethanol
c. Vitamin-B12
d. None of these

57. In the production of ethanol industrially the yeast used is
a. K.pneumoniae
b. Kluyreromyces fragilis
c. S. cerevisiae
d. Both b and c

58. Citric acid is used as
a. Flavouring agent in food
b. As an antioxident
c. As preservative
d. All of the above

59. Citric acid is produced in aerobic conditions by the fungi
a. Aspergillus
b. Penicillin
c. Mucor
d. All of these

60. The raw material for citric acid production is
a. Corn
b. Molasses
c. Starch
d. None of these

61. Aspergillus niger is used generally for the production of
a. Ethanol
b. Penicillin
c. Citric acid
d. Lactic acid

62. In the citric acid production, the pH to be maintained in the fernmenter is
a. 7.0
b. 5.0 to 6.0
c. 8.0 to 9.0
d. 1.0 to 6.0

63. The required temperature for the production of citric acid is
a. 10oC – 80oC
b.30oC – 50oC
c. 20oC – 50oC
d.25oC – 30oC

64. The penicillin produced in large scale submerged fermentations are
a. Penicillin-A
b. Penicillin-D
c. Penicillin-G
d. None of these

65. The strain of fungi used for the large scale production of penicillin is
a. Penicillium chrysogenum
b. P-notatum
c. Streptomyces Aurecus
d. Saccharomyces sps

66. 6-amino penicillic acid is prepared from penicillin sps by
a. Acylase
b. Punicillin acylase
c. Penicillinone
d. None of these

67. The pH, to be maintained for the production of penicillin is
a. 7.5
b. 6.5
c. 8.0
d. 5.0

MCQ's on Industrial Micro Biology for Staff Nurse and Medical Exams Reviewed by ADMIN on Saturday, September 24, 2016 Rating: 5 1. The best medium for the production of Penicillin is a. Nutrient agar b. Corn steep liquor c. Sulfite waste liquor d. Whey 2. ...

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