
September 24, 2016

MCQ's on Microbiology for Staff Nurse and Medical Exams [Objective Type]

1) Regarding serratus anterior muscle which is incorrect?

A. Multipinnate muscle
B. Lifts arm above the shoulder
C. Supplied by long thoracic nerve
D. Originates from lower eight ribs

2) The treatment of choice for atticoantral variety of chronic suppurative otitis media is:

A. Mastoidectomy
B. Medical management
C. Underlay myringoplasty
D. Insertion of ventilation tube

3) All of the following are the complications in the new born of a diabetic mother except?

A. Hyperbilirubinemia
B. Hyperglycemia
C. Hypocalcemia
D. Hypomagnesemia

4) The correct line of management in child who has swallowed a coin is?

A. Fiber optic endoscopy
B. Rigid endoscopy
C. Laparotomy
D. Wait and Watch

5)Helper cells belong to?

A. T cells
B. Macrophages
C. B cells
D. Monocytes

6)Mac Ewen's triangle can be felt through the?

A. Superior conchae
B. Cymba conchae
C. Middle conchae
D. Posterior part of auricle

7)Most common strain of E.coil giving rise to traveller's diarrhoea is?

A. Entero-invasive E.coil
B. Entero-pathogenic E.coil
C. Entero-toxigenic E.coil
D. Entero-aggregative E.coil

8)With urine turning green on ferric chloride test, the diagnosis is:

A. Phenylketonuria
B. Alkaptonuria
C. Multiple carboxylase deficiency
D. Glutaric aciduria

9)For assessing the ability of protein utilisation the best index is?

A. Urea
B. Uric acid
C. Blood ammonia
D. Urinary nitrogen content

10)Screening test is not useful when?

A. Incidence of the disease
B. Incidence is low in the community
C. Early detection leads to favorable outcome
D. The disease has a lead time

11)Nerve not related to humerus is?

A. Radial
B. Median
C. Axillary
D. Musculocutaneous

12)What is the percentage of chances of hydatidiform mole to  develop choriocarcinoma?

A. 5%
B. 15%
C. 50%
D. 80%

13)Vasomotor reversal of Dale is because of?

A. Block of alpha receptors
B. Block of alpha & beta receptors
C. Agonistic action on alpha receptors
D. Adrenaline only

14)Primary visual field is situated around the ______ sulcus?
A. Central
B. Calcarine
C. Superior temporal
D. Inferior occipital

15)Medical treatment for BPH includes?

A. Finesteride
B. Methyl testosterone
C. Oestrogens
D. Osmic acid

16)Anterior dislocation of shoulder causes all except?

A. Circumflex artery injury
B. Avascular necrosis head of humerous
C. Brachial plexus injury
D. Chip fracture scapula

17)HIV is a?

A. Retrovirus
B. Flavivirus
C. Oncovirus
D. Arbovirus

18)In shigella dysentery associated hemolytic uremic syndrome, the false statement is?
A. Leucocytosis
B. Neurological abnormalities
C. Hepatic failure
D. Thrombotic angiopathy

19)Dengue hemorrhagic fever is caused by?

A. Type I secrotype
B. Re-infection with the same serotype of dengue virus
C. Re-infection with the different serotype of the dengue virus
D. Re-infection in immunocompromised host

20)When the sample size is less than 30, one of the following  modifications is made in the formula of standard deviation?

A. Numerator is increased
B. Denominator is decreased
C. Both numerator and denominator are changed
D. Numerator is decreased

21)Oesophagus receives blood supply from all except?

A. Inferior thyroid artery
B. Inferior phrenic artery
C. Internal mammary artery
D. Bronchial artery

22)All are pencillinase resistant except?

A. Methicillin
B. Nafcillin
C. Penicillin
D. Dicioxacillin

23)Mild hemolyti anaemia is associated with vitamin.. . Deficiency?

A. B6
B. E
C. A
D. C

24)Trimethoprim acts by?

A. Inhibiting DHFR
B. Inhibiting cell metabolism
C. Inhibiting DNA
D. Inhibiting RNA

25)Paradoxically split second heart sound signifies severe?

A. Pulmonary stenosis
B. Mitral stenosis
C. aortic stenosis
D. tricuspid stenosis

26)Riboflavin nutritional status is assessed by?
A. Xanthine oxidase levels in RBC's
B. Glutathione reductase activation in RBC's
C. Urine excretion of Riboflavin
D. Cytochrome- C-reductase levels in kidneys

27)Provision of free medical care to the people at government expense is known as?

A. State medicine
B. Social therapy
C. Social medicine
D. Social insurance programme

28)Shortest sacrocotyloid diameter causing narrowing of pelvis is a feature of which type of maternal pelvis?

A. Android
B. Gynaecoid
C. Platypelloid
D. Anthropoid

29)What is Bennett's fracture?

A. Fracture dislocation of base of first metacarpal
B. Fracture dislocation of base of first metatarsal
C. Fracture of first metatarsal
D. Fracture of first metacarpal

30)All the following techniques are helpful in the diagnosis of  haemoglobinopathies, except?

A. Alkali denaturation test
B. Cellulose acetate electrophoric
C. Sickling test
D. Osmotic fragility test

31)Which of the following is not likely in patients taking amiodarone?

A. Pulmonary fibrosis
B. Hypothyroidism
C. Hyperthyroidism
D. Gynaecomastia

32)Which of the following helps in preventing colon cancer?

A. High fiber diet
B. Selenium
C. Antioxidants
D. Fatty food

33) Size of ovary, above which considered to be malignant?

A. 2 cm
B. 5 cm
C. 8 cm
D. 10 cm

34)Cadaveric spasm

A. Instant in onset
B. Confined to small group of muscles
C. Occurs only in voluntary muscles
D. All of the above

35)The radionuclide used for ventriculography is

A. Thallium
B. Technetium
C. Gallium
D. Pottasium

36)"Signet ring cells" are seen in?

A. Carcinoma cervix
B. Carcinoma endometrium
C. Krukkenberg tumour
D. Carcinoma vulva

37)Cimetidine was synthesized by?

A. Black
B. Upjohn
C. Lindsay
D. Lilly

38)Nutritional status of children between 0-4 years in a community can be assesed by all except?

A. Mortality in 0-4 years
B. Birth weight of less than 2.5 gm
C. Maternal Hb<11.5 g/dl/
D. Height and weight of all preschool children

39)Pulmonary fibrosis in Bronchogenic carcinoma of lung may follow exposure to?

A. Coal dust
B. Silica
C. Asbestos
D. Bagasse

40)Ejection fraction increases with?

A. Decrease end-systolic volume
B. Decrease end-diastolic volume
C. Decreased peripheral resistance
D. Venodilation

41)Which is NOT visualized on posterior rhinoscopy?

A. Eustachian tube
B. Inferior meatus
C. Middle turbinate
D. Posterior border of nasal septum

42)Which one of the following would cause a metabolic acidosis is with a normal anion gap?

A. Renal tubular acidosis
B. Acute renal failure
C. Diabetic ketoacidosis
D. Aspirin overdose

43)All of the following organs contain aneurysm in polyarteritis nodosa except?

A. Liver
B. Lung
C. Kidney
D. Pancreas
Ans: C

44)Diphtheria toxin acts by?

A. Inhibiting Acetyl Choline release
B. Inhibiting glucose transport
C. Increasing levels of Cyclic AMP
D. Inhibiting protein synthesis

45)Smokeless gun powder is composed of?

A. KMno4
C. Nitrocellulose
D. Sulphur

46)Cetuximab (an EGFR antagonist) can be used in?

A. Palliation in head and neck cancer
B. Anal canal carcinoma
C. Gastric cancer
D. Small cell lung carcinoma

47)The formula showing relations of pressure, thickness and radius?

A. Laplace formula
B. Ohm's law
C. Pascal's law
D. Poisseulle's formula

48)Dapsone is useful for treating all except?

A. Leprosy
B. Dermatitis Herpetiformis
C. Madura Foot
D. Lymphoma

49)The most important factor to overcome protein energy malnuntrition in children less than 3yrs is;

A. Suply of subsidized food from ration shop
B. Early supplimentation of solids in infants
C. immunization to the child
D. Treatment of anaemia and pneumonia in infant and toddlers

50)The binding of 2,3 BPG to Hemoglobin is to?

A. Carboxyterminal
B. Amino terminal
C. Sulphydryl groups
D. None of the above

51)Dissociate anaesthesia is described with which of the following?

A. Propofol
B. ketamine
C. Thipental
D. Halothane

52)In colour Doppler the colour depends upon?

A. Strength of returning echo
B. Relation of transducer to blood flow
C. Frequency of Doppler used
D. Type of Doppler machine used

53)The commonest cause of breech presentation is:

A. Prematuarity
B. Hydrocephalus
C. Placenta praevia
D. Polyhydramnios

54)Which of the following pathologic processes in an example of dysplasia?

A. Actinic keratosis
B. Chronic cystitis
C. Chronic bronchitis
D. Ulcerative colitis

55)True regarding tubercular meningitis:

A. Generally occurs as dissemination of a miliary tuberculosis
B. The cranial nerves frequently are involved
C. The most common affected leptomeninges are at the base of the brain
D. Communicating and obstructive hydrocephalus cortical abscesses, and empyemas are very uncommon complications

56)Haemostasis means?

A. Coagulation
B. Maintenance of electrolyte balance
C. Sufficient hydration
D. Arrest of bleeding

57)The average coronary blood flow in human being at rest is _ % of cardiac output ?

A. 4.5%
B. 5-10%
C. 10-15%
D. 15-20%

58)Rigor mortis first starts in?

A. Upper eyelids
B. Lower eyelids
C. Lower limbs
D. Fingers

59)Madura foot is caused by?

A. Blastomycosis
B. Nocardia
C. Candida albicans
D. Tinea versicolor

60)Population of 10000, birth rate 36 per 1000, 5 maternal deaths, the MMR is?

A. 14.5
B. 13.8
C. 20
D. 5

61)Which of the following is not in WHO surveillance?

A. Rabies
B. Influenza
C. Malaraia
D. Varicella

62)The cause of breech presentation are all except?

A. Previous caesarean section
B. Placenta previa
C. Contracted pelvis
D. Oligohydramnios

63)True about minoxidil is?

A. Increases hair growth
B. Antihypertensive
C. Both
D. None

64)Cold agglutinins are seen in?

A. Mycoplasma pneumonia
B. Psittacosis
C. Legionella pneumonia

65)No. of negative stools mandatory to release a case from isolation in typhoid?

A. 3 samples same day
B. 2 samples on first day and 1 sample on the second day
C. 1 sample of first day and 2 samples on the second day
D. 3 samples on 3 separate days

66)The most specific feature of death due to hanging is?

A. Tardieu spots
B. Ligature mark
C. Fracture of thyroid cartilage
D. Dribbling of saliva

67)Cauliflower ear is due to?

A. Haematoma
B. Carcinoma
C. Fungal infection
D. Herpes

68)Following agents have effects on the NMJ, EXCEPT

A. Curare
B. Decamethonium
C. Succinylcholine
D. Hexamethonium

69)Entamoeba, which is not found in gut?

A. E.coli
B. E.histolytica
C. E.gingivalis
D. E.nana

70)Most deaths involving placenta previa result from?

A. Infection
B. Toxemia
C. Hemorrhage
D. Thrombophlebitis

71)Tympanic plexus is formed by?

A. Tympanic branch of glossopharyngeal nerve
B. Vagus nerve
C. Facial nerve
D. mandibular nerve


A. Facilitates
B. Prevents ovulation in lactating women
C. In responsible for formation of corpus luteum
D. Is responsible for progesterone secretion

73)Herpes zoster involves?

A. Otic ganglion
B. Gasserian ganlion
C. Geniculate
D. Celiac ganglion

74)In wolf- parkinson white syndrome, there exist a connection between atria and?

A. Bundle of His
B. Ventricles
C. A-V node
D. Purknje fibres

75)Polyhydramnios is seen in all the following except:

A. Diabetes
B. Renal agenesis
C. Esophageal atresia
D. Hydronephrosis

76)Following is the adjuvant for the treatment of nephrotic syndrome?

A. levamisole as immunomodulant
B. B.complex
C. cyclosporin
D. steroid

77)Subarachnoid Haemorrhage is diagnosed by?

A. Lumbar puncture
B. CT scan
D. X-ray skull

78)Disturbances of affect include all except?

A. Panic
B. Apathy
C. Phobia
D. Obsession

79)Deep transverse arrest is seen in?

A. Occipito-posterior position
B. Occipito-anterior position
C. Breech delivery
D. Face presentation

80)Kallu, a 25 yr male pt.presented with a red eye and complains of pain, photophobia ,watering and blurred vision. He gives a history of trauma to his eye with a vegetable matter. Corneal examination shows a dendritic ulcer. A corneal scraping was taken and

A. Herpes simplex
B. Acanthambea
C. Candida
D. Aeno virus

81)Glass vessels and syringes are best sterilised by

A. Hot air oven
B. Autoclaving
C. Irradiation
D. Ethylene oxide

82)Management of extradural hemorrhage is:

A. Immediate evacuation
B. Evacuation after 24 hrs
C. Antibiotics
D. Observation

83)A Post- Thyroidectomy patient develops signs and symptoms of Tetany. The management is?

A. I.v.Calcium gluconate
B. Bicarbonate
C. Calcitonin
D. Vitamin D

84)The most effective treatment in the early stages of trachoma is?

A. Penicillin locally
B. Choromycetin systemically
C. Sulphonamides systemically
D. Soframycin locally

85)Ideal treatment of Tinosporidiosis is:

A. Rifamipicin
B. Excision with cautery at base
C. Dapsone
D. Laser

86)Epithelium of cornea is?

A. Pseudostratified
B. Transitional
C. Stratified squamous keratinized
D. Stratified squamous non-keratinised

87)Bagasosis can be prevented by spraying Bagasse with?

A. 10% acetic acid
B. 5% acetic acid
C. 1% propionic acid
D. 2% propionic acid

88)Mc Ardles disease is due to the deficiency of?

A. Glu 1 phosphatase
B. Gluc1, 6 diphosphatase
C. Gluc 6 phosphatase
D. Myophosphorylase

89) Satiety center in hypothalamus is regulated by?

A. Gastric dilatation
B. Blood glucose levels
C. Blood insulin levels
D. All of the above

90)Coagulative necrosis is seen in all except?

A. Myocardial infarction
B. Burns
C. Tuberculosis
D. Zenker's degeneration

91)The relationship between incidence and prevalence can be expressed as the?

A. Product of incidence and mean duration of disease
B. Divident of incidence and mean duration of disease
C. Sum of incidence and mean duration of disease
D. Difference of incidence and mean duration of disease

92)In twin pregnancy, treatment of choice when first baby is in transverse lie is:

A. Home delivery
B. Cesarean section
C. High forceps
D. Low forceps after external rotation

93)Coose among the following the most important lab finding in nephrotic syndrome?

A. B-J protine
B. hyperkalemia
C. hypoalbuminemia
D. hypertension

94)Which statement is not true regarding Cryptic military Tuberculosis?

A. X-ray diagnsis is possible
B. It is seen in PEM Children
C. Mntoux test is negative
D. Leucocytosis is seen

95)Commonest histology of carcinoma of endometrium is?

A. Squamous cell
B. Clear cell
C. Adeno carcinoma
D. Anaplastic carcinoma

96)True regarding Felty's syndrome is all EXCEPT

A. Splenomegaly
B. Rheumatoid arthritis
C. Neutropenia
D. Nephropathy

97)The true statement about Zenker's diverticulum is;

A. It is outpouching of ant.pharyngeal wall above the cricopharyngeus muscle
B. Barium swallow lateral view for diagnosis is the best investigation
C. it is a true diverticulum
D. it is congenital

98)Which of the following statements about aging is true?

A. Zoo animals have shorter lifespans than animals in their normal habitat
B. All animal species have approximately the same lifespan
C. Men are programmed to live longer than women.
D. Identical twins have a natural lifespan of approximately similar duration

99)Characteristic features of kwashiorkor include following EXEPT?

A. Anorexia
B. Flaky paint dematosis
C. Hepatomegaly
D. Splenomegaly

100)Most common site of obstruction in gallstone ileus is?

A. Colon
B. Illumine
C. Jejunum
D. Duodenum

MCQ's on Microbiology for Staff Nurse and Medical Exams [Objective Type] Reviewed by ADMIN on Saturday, September 24, 2016 Rating: 5 1) Regarding serratus anterior muscle which is incorrect? A. Multipinnate muscle B. Lifts arm above the shoulder C. Supplied by long th...

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