
September 25, 2016

MCQs on Physician for Staff Nurse and Medical Exams

</>1"> 1.Which Diagnosis and treating abnormalities, diseases, and disorders of the heart.
A. Cardiology
B. Urology
C. Nephrology
D. Radiology

2.Which of the following is used to Diagnosing and treating tumors and cancer.
A. Gynecology
B. Urology
C. Oncology
D. Radiology

3.Which is Similiar to general practice in nature, but centering around the family unit.
A. Geriatrics
B. Pediatrics
C. Family Practice
D. Obstetrics

4.Which of the following is used to Diagnosing and treating conditions of altered immunologic reactivity ?
A. Allergy
B. Urology
C. Radiology
D. Oncology

5.Which of the following is used to Diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the female reproductive tract; strong emphasis on preventive measures.
A. Urology
B. Neurology
C. Oncology
D. Gynecology

6.Which of the following is used to Diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the central nervous system.
A. Nephrology
B. Urology
C. Neurology
D. Gynecology

7.Which of the following is used to Diagnosing and treating disorders and diseases of the ear, nose, and throat.
A. Otorhinolaryngology
B. Endocrinology
C. Radiology
D. Ophthalmology

8.Which of the following is used to Diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the kidney.
A. Oncology
B. Urology
C. Nephrology
D. Neurology

9.Which of the following is used to Diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders with Roentgen rays (x-rays) and other forms of radiant energy.
A. Urology
B. Neurology
C. Cardiology
D. Radiology

10.Which of the following is used to Diagnosing and treating disorders of the skin.
A. Radiology
B. Cardiology
C. Neurology
D. Dermatology

</>2" style="display: none;"> 11.Which of the following is used to Diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the stomach and intestines.
A. Nephrology
B. Dermatology
C. Gastroenterology
D. Gynecology

12.Which of the following is used to Diagnosing and treating disorders and diseases of the bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons and fractures of the bones.
A. Pediatrics
B. Geriatrics
C. Orthopedics
D. Obstetrics

13.Which of the following is used to Diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the eye.
A. Ophthalmology
B. Oncology
C. Radiology
D. Dermatology

14.Which of the following is used to Diagnosing and treating pronounced manifestations of emotional problems or mental illness that may have an organic causative factor.
A. Psychiatry
B. Oncology
C. Pediatrics
D. Geriatrics

15.Providing direct care to women during pregnancy, childbirth, immediately is called_________?
A. Pediatrics
B. Obstetrics
C. Geriatrics
D. Orthopedics

16.Which of the following is used to Diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the internal organs.
A. Geriatrics
B. Internal Medicine
C. Pediatrics
D. Orthopedics

17.Which of the following is used to Diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the urinary system of females and genitourinary system of males.
A. Urology
B. Neurology
C. Oncology
D. Radiology

18.Which of the following is used to Diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of children; strong emphasis on preventive measures.
A. Psychiatry
B. Geriatrics
C. Obstetrics
D. Pediatrics

19.Which of the following is used to Diagnosing and treating diseases and malfunctions of the glands of internal secretion.
A. Endocrinology
B. Nephrology
C. Radiology
D. Oncology

20.Which of the following is used to Diagnosing and treating diseases, disorders, and problems associated with aging.?
A. Geriatrics
B. Dermatology
C. Obstetrics
D. Pediatrics

</>3" style="display: none;"> 21.Which is a designation placed on a patient's medical record indicating that in the case of cessation of circulation and breathing, artificial resuscitation is not to be done?
A. Durable Power of Attorney
B. DNR (do not resuscitate)
C. Advanced Directives
D. Prognosis

22.withdrawing medical care from a patient without providing sufficient notice to the patient is called_______?
A. Agent
B. Consent
C. Abandonment
Ans C:

23.What is called when a legal agreement that allows an agent or representative of the patient to act on behalf of the patient?
A. Advanced Directives
B. DNR (do not resuscitate)
C. Durable Power of Attorney
D. Parens Patiae Authority

24.What is the virus that causes the immune system to break down and can eventually result in the disease AIDS?
A. Privileged Communication
B. Advanced Directives
C. AMA (against medical advice)
D. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)

25.What is the prediction for the cause of a disease?
A. Prognosis
B. Minor
C. Proxy
D. Consent

26.a person assigned by a court to stand in place of the parents and possess their legal rights and responsibilities toward the child is called_______?
A. In Loco Parentis
B. Implied Consent
C. Advanced Directives
D. Consent

27.What is the various methods by which a patient has the right to self-determination prior to a medical necessity; includes living wills, health care proxies, and durable power of attorney?
A. Abandonment
B. Living Will
C. In Loco Parentis
D. Advanced Directives

28.What occurs when the state takes responsibility from the parents for the care and custody of minors under thee age of 18?
A. Parens Patiae Authority
B. Durable Power of Attorney
C. In Loco Parentis
D. Proxy

29.What is the consent granted by a person after the patient has received knowledge and understanding of potential risks and benefits?
A. Consent
B. Advanced Directives
C. Informed (expressed) Consent
D. Implied Consent

30.a legal document in which a person states that life-sustaining treatments and nutritional support should not be used to prolong life; a type of advance directive is called________?
B. Minor
C. Prognosis
D. Living Will

</>4" style="display: none;"> 31.Which is an agreement that is made through inference by signs, inaction, or silence?
A. Consent
B. Abandonment
C. In Loco Parentis
D. Implied Consent

32.What is called when a non compliant patient leaves a hospital without physician's permission  ?
A. Parens Patiae Authority
B. DNR (do not resuscitate)
C. Advanced Directives
D. AMA (against medical advice)

33.Who is a person authorized to act on behalf of a patient?
A. Consent
B. Minor
D. Agent

34.What is a disease resulting in infections that occur as a result of exposure to the human immunodeficiency virus, which causes the immune system to break down?
A. Agent
B. Proxy
D. Minor

35.A person who acts on behalf of another person?
B. Proxy
C. Minor
D. Agent

36.What is the name of the act when a state statute allowing persons 18 years of age and of sound mind to make a gift of any or all body parts for purposes of organ transplantation or medical research?
A. Parens Patiae Authority
B. Uniform Analytical Gift Act
C. DNR (do not resuscitate)
D. Implied Consent

37.The voluntary agreement that a patient gives to allow a medically trained person the permission to touch, examine, and perform a treatment is called_________?
A. Abandonment
B. Consent
D. Agent

38.Which provides confidential information that has been told to a physician (or attorney) by the patient?
A. Advanced Directives
B. Implied Consent
C. In Loco Parentis
D. Privileged Communication

39. Who is mental health specialist?
A. oncologist
B. psychiatrist
C. podiatrist
D. pharmacist

40.who takes x-ray readings?
A. neurologist
B. radiologists
C. audiologist
D. oncologist

</>5" style="display: none;"> Switch to Next Page </>6" style="display: none;"> 51.who puts patients to sleep or controls pain for surgery?
A. dermatologist
B. audiologist
C. anesthesiologist
D. Neurologist

52.Who is foot specialist?
A. pediatrician
B. podiatrist
C. psychiatrist
D. audiologist

53. who trained and licensed to treat people?

54.Who deals with pregnancy cases?
A. podiatrist
B. orthopedist
C. obstetrician
D. Pediatrician

55.Who is specialist in drugs and drug interactions?
A. neurologist
B. psychiatrist
C. podiatrist
D. pharmacist

56.Liquid portion of blood after blood cells and clotting elements form a clot; used for testing chemicals found in blooD.
A. sputum
B. solutes
C. heparin
D. serum

57.Which certificate that allows a physician in the office laboratory to conduct both low-complexity and moderate-complexity tests.
A. order of draw
B. certificate of waiver
C. provider-performed microscopy (PPM) procedures
D. midstream clean-catch specimen

58.what is the process of identifying compatibility by determining proteins on the red blood cells of the donor and recipient.
A. crossmatching
B. urinalysis
C. drug screening
D. compound

59.what is the order or manner in which blood collection tubes are to be drawn order or manner in which blood collection tubes are to be drawn.
A. compound
B. heparin
C. order of draw
D. Serology

60.Which is the test  that study the body's immune response by detecting antibodies in the serum.
A. serum
B. solutes
C. microbiology
D. serology

60.Which is the test  that study the body's immune response by detecting antibodies in the serum.
A. serum
B. solutes
C. microbiology
D. serology

</>7" style="display: none;"> 61.bacteria in the urine is called_________.
A. bacteriuria
B. heparin
C. serology
D. serum

62.federal agency that oversees financial regulations of Medicare and Medicaid is called____________.
B. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
C. certificate of waiver
D. first morning specimen

63.blood collection tube in which the internal atmosphere is a vacuum allowing blood to flow into the tubes is called__________.
A. venipuncture
B. bacteriuria
C. evacuated tube
D. Sputum

64.Which is the narrow tube used for transferring liquids by suction.
A. sputum
B. heparin
C. plasma
D. pipette

65.What is the liquid portion of the blooD.
A. plasma
B. sputum
C. solutes
D. serum

66.studies that evaluate the clotting process of blooD.
A. evacuated tube
B. coagulation studies
C. reagents
D. solutes

67.insufficient amount of a specimen for performing the desired test.
A. quantity not sufficient (QNS)
B. coagulation studies
C. chain of evidence
D. urinalysis

68.urine specimen that requires a strict cleaning procedure and collection during the middle of voiding. (also called ccms) is called_________?
A. midstream clean-catch specimen
B. 24-hour urine specimen
C. crossmatching
D. first morning specimen

69.collection of urine over a 24-hour period to test for kidney infection, checking for high levels of creatinine, uric acid, hormones, electrolytes, and medication is called___________.
A. nosepiece
B. first morning specimen
C. 24-hour urine specimen
D. coagulation studies

70.which is a blood collection method using a winged infusion set.
A. bacteriuria
B. CORRECT: butterfly method
C. serology
D. syringe method

</>8" style="display: none;"> 71.urine specimen taken when the patient first awakens; most concentrated specimen is called_________.
A. 24-hour urine specimen
B. midstream clean-catch specimen
C. syringe method
D. first morning specimen

72.test performed to study microorganisms.
A. serology
B. compound
C. bacteriuria
D. microbiology

73.urine or blood collection to determine the process or absence of specific substances is called__________.
A. reagents
B. heparin
C. drug screening
D. Crossmatching

74.puncture of a vein to obtain a venous blood sample is__________ .
A. pipette
B. venipuncture
C. sputum
D. reagents

75.which organization that conducts studies for ABO blood grouping and Rh typing.
A. blood bank
B. plasma
C. compound
D. nosepiece

76.what is called lung secretions produced by the bronchi.
A. serum
B. plasma
C. sputum
D. Solutes

77. Which certificate that allows a physician office laboratory to perform low-complexity testing.
A. certificate of waiver
B. coagulation studies
C. evacuated tube
D. chain of evidence

78.what are the solutions used when testing specimens in the laboratory.
A. heparin
B. pipette
C. solutes
D. reagents

79.Which blood collection method uses a syringe and sterile needle.
A. reagents
B. butterfly method
C. serum
D. syringe method

80.What is the part of the microscope that holds the objects.
A. sputum
B. nosepiece
C. solutes
D. serum

</>9" style="display: none;"> 81.laboratory form showing the identification of a specimen and the laboratory test to be performedis _________________.
A. bacteriuria
B. butterfly method
C. coagulation studies
D. laboratory requisition

82.Which is the analysis of urine to include physical, chemical, and microscopic properties.
A. solutes
B. heparin
C. urinalysis
D. reagents

83.What is the legislation enacted to ensure the quality of laboratory results by setting performance standards.
A. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
B. Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA 88)
C. coagulation studies
D. laboratory requisition

84.which is the collection routine for a specimen used as evidence.
A. chain of evidence
B. nosepiece
C. order of draw
D. evacuated tube

85.materials suspended in liquid that are not dissolvable are __________.
A. sputum
B. pipette
C. serum
D. solutes

86.Which is having two sets of lens on a microscope.
A. heparin
B. nosepiece
C. solutes
D. compound

87.Which natural substance that prevents clotting; a vacuum tube additive that prevents clotting of the blood in the tube.?
A. pipette
B. serum
C. heparin
D. Sputum

88.a designation placed on a patients medical record indicating that in the case of cessation of circulation and breathing, artificial resuscitation is not to be done?
A. do not resuscitate
B. prognosis
C. advance directive
D. consent

89.which is used  when patient who is noncompliant may discharge him or herself?
A. against medical advise
B. advance directive
C. do not resuscitate
D. informed consent

90.who promotes individual wellness & public health?
A. Emergency Medicine Specialist
B. Sports Medicine Specialist
C. Nuclear Medicine Specialist
D. Preventative Medicine Specialist

</>10" style="display: none;"> 91.Who conducts laboratory studies of cells & tissues to aid in diagnosis?
A. Radiologist
B. Nephrologist
C. Pathologist
D. Cardiologist

92.Who specializes in lung & airway diseases such as asthma & emphysema?
A. Dermatologist
B. Pathologist
C. Pulmonologist
D. Oncologist

93.Who specializes in diagnosis & treatment of a broad range of common illnesses & injuries for patients of all ages?
A. Vascular Surgeon
B. Psychiatrics
C. Family Practitioner
D. Pediatrician

94.Who uses radioactive materials to diagnose & treat disease?
A. Emergency Medicine Specialist
B. Preventative Medicine Specialist
C. Sports Medicine Specialist
D. Nuclear Medicine Specialist

95.Who focuses on the health & disorders of the elderly?
A. Nuclear Medicine Specialist
B. Sports Medicine Specialist
C. Pediatrician
D. Geriatric Specialist

96.Who specializes in a broad range of illnesses & injuries in adults & the elderly, physicals, well visit, primary care physician?
A. Urologist
B. Oncologist
C. Internist
D. Pathologist

97.Who specializes in surgery involving joints, muscles, tendons, & ligaments?
A. Colon/Rectal Surgeon
B. Plastic Surgeon
C. orthopedic Surgeon
D. Neurological Surgeon

98.Who specializes in diseases of joints & immune system, such as arthritis
A. Rheumatologist?
B. Dermatologist
C. Hematologist
D. Neurologist

99.Who treats infectious disorders such as hepatitis B & sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, lymes disease?
A. Nuclear Medicine Specialist
B. Geriatric Specialist
C. Infectious Disease Specialist
D. Sports Medicine Specialist

100.Who treats injuries caused by athletic activities?
A. Emergency Medicine Specialist
B. Preventative Medicine Specialist
C. Sports Medicine Specialist
D. Nuclear Medicine Specialist

101.Who treats disorders of the nervous system including epilepsy & Parkinson's disease, neuropathy, sciatica, back & leg pain, nerve damage?
A. Nephrologist
B. Urologist
C. Oncologist
D. Neurologist

102.Who specializes in diseases of the hormone-producing glands, including diabetes & thyroid disease?
A. Nephrologist
B. Endocrinologist
C. Neurologist
D. Oncologist

103.Who specializes in surgery of the chest, including lung & open heart surgery?
A. Colon/Rectal Surgeon
B. Vascular Surgeon
C. Orthopedic Surgeon
D. Thoracic Surgeon (Cardiac Surgeon)

104.Who specializes in disorders of the digestive system, including stomach, liver, gallbladder and bowels?
A. Cardiologist
B. Oncologist
C. Pulmonologist
D. Gastroenterologist

105.Who specializes in diseases of the ear, nose, & throat?
A. Endocrinologist
B. Otolaryngologist
C. Pulmonologist
D. Oncologist

MCQs on Physician for Staff Nurse and Medical Exams Reviewed by ADMIN on Sunday, September 25, 2016 Rating: 5 </>1"> 1.Which Diagnosis and treating abnormalities, diseases, and disorders of the heart. A. Cardiology B. Urology C. ...

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