
April 04, 2017

Rigvedic Period (Kaal) - All Details of Rigvedic Society and Ealy Vedic Age


Rig Vedic Kaal

Rigvedic Period (Kaal) - All Details of Rigvedic Society and Ealy Vedic Age
Group of Vish is known as kabeela or Jan and The Head is known as Gop or Rajan. Highest Place in God:
  1. Dev Raj 
  2. Indra 
  3. Agni 
  4. Varun

Uttarvedic Kaal

  1. Joint Family System 
  2. Iron Age started 
  3. Agriculture is the main source of income instead of animal husbandry or pashu palan. 
  4. Caste System started here. 
  5. Pottery was available.


Early Vedic Age (1500 BC-1000 BC):

The age is also known as Rigvedic age. The vedic age gives us the knowledge about Aryans.
Generally home of Aryans is considered somewhere in Steppes (From South Russia to Central Russia).
steppes Russia central asia
Steppes (Home of Aryans)
aryans arrival
Rigveda tells us that the Aryans first settled at the region of “ Sapta Sindhu” or the land of seven rivers.

  • Eastern Afghanistan
  • Punjab and Western Uttar Pradesh
  • Jhelum
  • Ravi
  • Chenab
  • Beas 
  • Satluj and Saraswati

Aryans were semi-nomadic ( Ardha Khanabadosh) and cattle. Then they left nomadic life and became cultivator.

Favorite Cattle: Cow (Gauri) Mentioned 176 times in Rigveda.
Terms used by Aryans:
Gavishti means search for cows.
Godhuli means Daughters.

Rigvedic Society:

  1. Society was based on kinship.
  2. Everyone has equal rights.
  3. Early Aryans were tribal and egalitarian.
  4. Existence of joint families.
  5. Aryans preferred male child who can fought for cattle.

Rigvedic Polity:

Discussed in the diagram above.

Social Division:

  1. No Caste System.
  2. Non-Aryans  were known as Dasas or Shudras.
  3. No formal Social Division existed ( No Brahmins, Kashtriya, Vaishyas, Shudra)
  4. Position of Women was respectable.
  5. No Child marriage.
  6. Marriage of Girls between 16-17 years of age.
  7. Widow-Marriage was available in society.
  8. Niyoga (levirate): A situation in which a childless widow would co-habit with her brother-in-law until the birth of a son.
  9. Polygamy and Polyandry both existed at that time but monogamy was in fashion.

Rigvedic Religion:

Early vedic period people were nature worshiper. They don’t have any temples or Idols.
The main motive of worship to get Praja, Dhan and Pashu.

Bogahagoi Inscription of 1400 BC (Turkey) has mentioned four gods viz. Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Nasatya.

  ü  Indra: 250 hymns are dedicated to Indra in Rigveda.
  ü  Varuna:  Savior from Cosmos.
  ü  Agni: 200 hymns
  ü  Soma: God of Plants (9th Mandal of Rigveda are dedicated to Soma)
  ü  Dayaus: Father of Heaven
  ü  Ashwin: Healers of wounds and Surgeons.
  ü  Pushans: Guardians of Roads and Cattles.
  ü  Surya: Sun
  ü  Usha: Goddess of Morning
  ü  Aditi: Mother of Gods
  ü  Prithvi: Earth
  ü  Aryani: Forest Goddess
  ü  Savitri ( Gayatri): Gayatri Mandal

Rigvedic Period (Kaal) - All Details of Rigvedic Society and Ealy Vedic Age Reviewed by ADMIN on Tuesday, April 04, 2017 Rating: 5 RIGVEDIC PERIOD Rig Vedic Kaal Group of Vish is known as kabeela or Jan and The Head is known as Gop or Rajan. Highest Place in Go...

